Here at Naples Fishing Boat we try to treat every client with tons of respect, not just take people on a boat ride! At the end of the day we want to build a relationship with our clients and become friends, and look forward to seeing them year after year. Today was a great day Capt Bob and Cj had the opportunity to take out a group who hasn’t really boated or fished too much in there lives. They were blessed today with absolutely beautiful weather and left the dock at 7am for a 3/4 day of fishing. This crew had a blast catching plenty of snapper for dinner as well as releasing an undersize cobia, mutton snapper and throwing back a few gag grouper that were out of season. We have a couple slots left this month and the weather for the next 7 days looks awesome if you are bored and want to try something new we would love to have you aboard one of our vessels looking for a fish of a lifetime, or even your first!